Masters of Creativity

“Smart people are a dime a dozen... What counts is being creative and imaginative."

Walter Isaacson,
President and CEO of the Aspen Institute

Upcoming MOC Series:

Thank you for joining our 2022 MOC events, please check back next year for new speakers.

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For many years here at the, we’ve been asked about our classes and how to use the methods we teach at Stanford. These sessions will give you a small taste of our classroom experience and a few exercises to use at home.


Speakers include Kelly Leonard, Sarah Stein Greenberg, Randy Hetrick, Kim Scott, and more.


Choose curiosity in the face of uncertainty. The tools and stories showcased in MOC will help you amplify your creative practice. No matter what your field of work, MOC accelerates all who seek creative and unconventional approaches to the complex, ambiguous challenges that face us all.


MOC Highlights

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MOC Videos here.